Obesity & Metabolic Expert (SCOPE CERTIFIED) Lifestyle Consultant
  • Clinic Wed, Fri & Sat, Sant Parmanand Hospital Mon, Tue & Thu 11AM-1PM
  • +919711075700

Reverse Ageing

This is the topic which is in air and everywhere now. Many people in today’s scenario don’t know how to remain young and presentable or if it is possible to reverse ageing, but when they meet Dr Kalpana she assured them that although we cannot reverse ageing we can slow it down by preventing age related disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle. She explained to them the value of good healthy habits.

How this happen

Male patients can do good with their health and longevity by quitting smoking and alcohol which can cause health issues in their heart and lungs disorder. With working in several renowned medical institutes of health she gives treatment on anti -ageing also.

She told them to cut saturated fat, no red meat and eat less. Go for whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Avocado, pomegranate, spinach, figs, watermelon, blueberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple, broccoli, nuts, oatmeal, green tea, sesame seed, olive oil are  examples of some super foods can help you to become fit and  young.  Go for healthy fats that consider moderating your total food intake, and cut your 30% calorie intake if you want to cut your age and longer life.

Studies reveal that vitamin C may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by protecting your skin against oxidative damage. It may also improve skin elasticity and firmness by helping your body make more collagen.  Many anti-aging skincare products can help reduce the signs of ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Products that include retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C are all wonderful ingredients that help your skin look more youthful and healthier.

To prevent ageing, you must avoid the habits that can speed up this process. Try to re-evaluate your eating habits. Another thing to avoid is smoking and drinking, which can have drastic effects on your health and appearance. Smoking can cause fine lines and wrinkles; It makes your skin look dull and less youthful, and overall makes you look older than you already are. Lastly, avoid going into the sun without sunscreen; excessive exposure to the sun can lead to sun damage, which results in wrinkles, sunspots, and poor skin texture.